Friday, February 3, 2012

svn: how to ignore certain directories recursively

Wanted to use something like the .gitignore method to recursively ignore all files and folders inside a certain path, which in my case is "troy/RobosoftWrapperTest/branches/Build06/Test/robotium/bin"

Here's how you do it (thanks to SO) in svn:

svn propset --recursive svn:ignore '*' troy/RobosoftWrapperTest/branches/Build06/Test/robotium/bin  

Here's how you can confirm/view the changed properties:
$ svn propget svn:ignore -R
RobosoftWrapperTest/branches/Build06/Test/robotium/bin - *

RobosoftWrapperTest/branches/Build06/Test/robotium/bin/res/drawable-ldpi - *

RobosoftWrapperTest/branches/Build06/Test/robotium/bin/res/drawable-mdpi - *

RobosoftWrapperTest/branches/Build06/Test/robotium/gen - *
