Monday, November 1, 2010

android: already leaving iphone in the dust?

I couldn't be happier for my favorite mobile platform.

According to this news article on the Wall Street Journal, as far as Q3 2010 sales go, Android has finally leapt ahead of all other smartphone platforms.

According to that same article, Mr. Jobs isn't happy and is railing Android over how developers need to release various versions of apps to support the multitude of Android variants in the market. Well, yeah, that is a bit of an issue, but some work around it by just releasing for the very first Android releases: Donut (1.6) or cupcake (1.5). This way you're a bit limited by features, but you're assured of forward-compatibility. Also, I don't think too many developers are really bothered by this issue, at least going by the explosive growth of the Android Market :)

Ever since I got my Eclair (Android 2.1) smartphone a couple of months ago, I've known that this is going to be the future of mobile computing. I bet Samsung's Galaxy Tab (which has generated huge buzz in pre-release) will only consolidate my hopes for the platform.

Woohoo, Android!

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